DARF Research Projects
Project Name:
Mal-positioned Metal-on-Metal (MOM) Hip Replacements
Researcher(s): Ian Clarke, PhD; Michelle Burgett-Moreno, Thomas Halim
Company: FDA
Date(s): July 2014-June 2015
Classification: Hip Simulator, Metal-on-Metal
Steps: Proposal, Design, Test, Report
Results: MOM wear-rates were reasonably high and lubricant color had darkened. Cup wear patterns showed arc of potential “edge wear” was satisfactory with average 98°. Head wear patterns lacking well defined MWZ patterns
Publications/Meetings: ISTA 2015
Project Name:
Vitamin E enhanced PE tested against CoCr and Delta heads
Researcher(s): Ian Clarke, PhD; Michelle Burgett-Moreno, Thomas Halim
Company: DJO
Date(s): November 2013-September 2015
Classification: Hip Simulator, Metal-on-Polyethylene, Ceramic-on-Polyethylene
Steps: Proposal, Design, Test, Report
Results: Clean test wear-rates were reasonably low, abrasive wear testing increased wear rates, but recovery phase showed wear rates returned to initial low.
Publications/Meetings: None at this time
Project Name:
Development and Validation of improved
pre-market testing methods for MOM hip replacements
Researcher(s): Ian Clarke, PhD; Michelle Burgett-Moreno, Thomas Halim
Company: FDA
Date(s): August 2011-February 2013
Classification: Hip Simulator, Metal-on-Metal
Steps: Proposal, Design, Test, Report
Project Name:
Analysis and Validation of Wear
and Corrosion performance of MOM hip explants
Researcher(s): Ian Clarke, PhD; Michelle Burgett-Moreno, Thomas Halim
Company: FDA
Date(s): August 2011-February 2013
Classification: Retrievals, Metal-on-Metal
Steps: Proposal, Report
Publications/Meetings: ASTM 2012
Project Name:
SiN Wear Testing 28mm and 40mm
Researcher(s): Ian Clarke, PhD; Michelle Burgett-Moreno, Thomas Halim
Company: Amedica
Date(s): March 2011-June 2013
Classification: Hip Simulator, Ceramic-on-Ceramic
Steps: Proposal, Design, Test, Report
Project Name:
UHMWPE Wear Testing on 28mm Stainless Steel Heads
Researcher(s): Ian Clarke, PhD; Michelle Burgett-Moreno, Thomas Halim
Company: MDT
Date(s): January 2011-June 2013
Classification: Hip Simulator, Metal-on-Polyethylene
Steps: Proposal, Design, Test, Report
Project Name:
Vitamin E enhanced PE tested against CoCr and Delta heads
Researcher(s): Ian Clarke, PhD; Michelle Burgett-Moreno, Thomas Halim
Company: DJO
Date(s): January 2011-June 2013
Classification: Hip Simulator, Metal-on-Polyethylene, Ceramic-on-Polyethylene
Steps: Proposal, Design, Test, Report
Results: Clean test wear-rates were reasonably low, abrasive wear testing increased wear rates, but recovery phase showed wear rates returned to initial low.
Publications/Meetings: ISTA 2013