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DARF Pre-Market Testing

Link to Each Reference Research Report

DARF has an exclusive history with the Peterson Tribology Laboratory to investigate wear of biomaterials using orbital hip simulators. DARF has the capability to run three 12-station hip simulators to analyze biomaterial wear. DARF has experience with reporting gravimetric wear, abrasive wear challenges, and isolating wear debris particles for premarket evaluation and FDA consideration. 




1. Bowsher J G, Clarke I C, Williams P A, Donaldson T K. What is a "normal" wear pattern for metal-on-metal hip bearings? J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2009; 91 (1): 297-308. 


2. Clarke I C. Wear of artificial joint materials IV. Hip joint simulator studies. J Eng in Med 1981; 10 (4): 189-98. 


3. Clarke I C, McKellop H A, McGuire P, Okuda R, Sarmiento A. Wear of Ti-6A-4V Implant Alloy and Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Combinations. In: Titanium Alloys in Surgical Implants. (Ed. Luckey A, Kubli F). ASTM STP 796; 1983; 136-47. 


4. Halim T, Burgett M, Donaldson T K, Savisaar C, Bowsher J G, Clarke I C. Profiling the third-body wear damage produced in CoCr surfaces by bone cement, CoCr, and Ti6A14V debris: A 10-cycle metal-on-metal simulator test. J Eng in Med 2014; Proc. IMechE (H): 1-11. 


5. Halim T, Clarke I C, Burgett-Moreno M, Donaldson T K, Savisaar C, Bowsher J G. A Simulator Study of Adverse Wear with Metal and Cement Debris Contamination in metal-on-metal (MOM) Hip Bearings. J Bone Joint Research (UK) 2015; 4: 29-37. 


6. Kubo K, Clarke I C, Sorimachi T, Williams P A, Donaldson T K, Yamamoto K. Aggressive 3rd-body wear challenge to highly crosslinked polyethylene: A hip simulator model. In: 17th International Conference on Wear of Materials Aggressive 3rd-body wear challenge to highly crosslinked polyethylene: A hip simulator model. 2009; 267; 734-42. 


7. Sorimachi T, Clarke I C, Williams P A, Yamamoto K, Donaldson T K. Third-body abrasive wear challenge of 32mm conventional and 44mm highly crosslinked polyethylene liners in a hip simulator model. J Eng in Med 2009; 223 part H. 


Additionally we have the benefit of DARF’s analytical tools to analyze the details of the wear process to the biomaterials tested. 


White Light Interferometer (NewView 600, Zygo Corp) 

Coordinate Measuring Machine (Legex 322, Mitutoyo) 

Scanning Electron Microscope (EVO MA15, Zeiss) 

Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (Quantax 200, Bruker) 



Donaldson Arthritis Research Foundation

900 E. Washington Street, Suite 200, Colton, CA 92324

Tel: 909.503.1302 • Fax: 909.503.1300

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Dr. Ian C.

Clarke, PhD


Dr. Thomas K.

Donaldson, MD


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